Magic Tricks for Beginners Amazing Enough for Professionals
I hand picked some of the best magic tricks for beginners. They are easy to do and get incredible reactions.
With step by step detailed instructions you will learn some amazing tricks that are guaranteed to blow minds.
What I look for in a professional magic trick:
- Mind blowing magic
- Minimal props
- Uses ordinary objects
- Uses borrowed items
- Is quick and to the point
- Is practical in the real world
- Fits in your pocket
- Can be repeated

I am right handed. If you are a lefty switch hands.
Magic Tricks for Beginners
Here is a full performance of the tricks. The first trick in the video is not explained here because the method no longer works.
Static Toothpick Trick
You rub a toothpick on your arm to charge it. You touch the charged toothpick to another toothpick and that toothpick jumps high in the air.
2 toothpicks
Toothpick Sleight of Hand
Hold a toothpick slightly below center between your right thumb and 1st finger. Rest the end of the toothpick in the nail of your 3rd finger. Place your 2nd finger against your thumb, it does not touch the toothpick.

Hold the toothpick tightly and press up with your nail creating tension. When you are ready let the end of the toothpick snap off of your nail.
Place a toothpick on the edge of a table, on a deck of cards, on their hand, etc., with the end hanging off. Hold the other toothpick in position to do the secret move. Tell your spectator you will create a static charge.
Rub the toothpick on your shirt sleeve a few times. Slowly move the end of the toothpick you are holding toward the toothpick on the table. When the ends touch, do the secret move. The toothpick will jump in the air.
Pro Tips
Keep the back of your hand toward the audience so they cannot see the secret action of your 3rd finger.
There will be an audible click when you do the move which I believe adds to the trick.
Keep the movement of your 3rd finger to a minimum. Give the toothpick a tiny jolt, you don’t need to send it flying.
If you are interested in another super amazing toothpick trick check out The Broken & Restored Toothpick.
Telekinetic Ring Trick
A ring mysteriously moves up a rubberband.
A rubber band.
How to Do It
Break the rubber band. Borrow a ring, or use your own, and place it onto the center of the broken band. Grip the middle of the broken band with your right thumb and 1st finger. Grip the end with your left thumb and 1st finger.

Stretch the band between your hands. Hold the back of your hands toward your spectators. It looks like you are holding the ends, yet there is extra band hidden inside your right hand. Hold your right hand lower than your left hand.
Loosen your right hand grip and slowly let the end of the rubber band move through your right thumb and 1st. The ring will eerily move up the rubber band.
Go slowly, it looks better. Don’t move the ring too much, a little movement goes a long way. Stop before the end slips out of your right hand.
Check out a variation of this trick that uses two rubber bands – The Telekinetic Rubber Band
Business Card Trick
Your spectator selects one of your business cards, it is the only one with an X on the back.
20 business cards – 10 with an X on the back, 10 blank on the back
Put 3 blank cards on top, then the 10 cards with an X, then the 7 blank cards. Put a rubber band around the stack.
How to Do It
Spread over 10 – 12 cards and have your spectator touch one. When they touch a card slide it out and put it on the table. Don’t show the back.

Square up the business cards you are holding and turn the packet over. Casually spread 4 or 5 blank cards and then 2 cards at the bottom. This gives a nice display.
Tell your spectator they could have picked any card. Turn over the card they picked. It is the only one with an X on it.
Pro Tips
If your spectator tries to touch one of the top 3 cards, the blank backs, tell them to touch a card in the middle.
There is no way for your spectator to touch one of the bottom 7 blank cards because you don’t spread the cards to give them the choice.
When spreading the cards to show they are blank keep the spread tight so you don’t flash the Xs.
My business cards are all facing the same direction. I rotate the 7th card from the bottom 180⁰ so when I spread the cards I know which is the first blank card.
Do not draw the X all the way to the corners on your business cards. You don’t want the X to be seen just in case the cards spread a little.
This is a great way to give out your business card.
Circus Card Trick
Card is selected and shuffled into the deck. You tell your spectator the next card you flip over will be their card, and if it isn’t, you will give them $2 dollars. If it is they owe you a nickel. It seems impossible, so they take your bet, and lose.
Hand the deck out to be shuffled. You need to get a key card. A key card is when you know the bottom card. There are a few ways to do this.
Many times after shuffling, your spectator will flash the bottom card as they hand back the deck. If this happens, great!
Or you can do the All Around Square Up. In this example my key card is the QH.

The All Around Square Up
Peek the bottom card in a way that your spectators don’t see. Hold the deck face down. Grasp the deck from above with your other hand. Rotate the cards 180° clockwise, moving the inner edge to the outer edge.
Do this very casually. As you rotate the deck, look at the bottom card. It will appear as if you are just adjusting the cards in your hands. Nobody will suspect your actions.
Key Card Placement
“Please take a card.”
Spread the cards and have one selected. Square up the deck. Tell your spectator you will deal piles, and whenever they want, they should put their card on top. Lift off a small packet of cards from the deck and place it on the table.

Repeat making piles until your spectator places their card on top. Place the rest of the cards you are holding on top, putting your key card right above their card.
Pick up the cards and start dealing them face up into a pile. When you see your key card the next card will be their card. Make sure you do not stop or pause here, keep dealing smoothly.

Deal about 5 more cards and stop. Take the next face down card into your hand, call attention to it, and tell your spectator that the next card you flip over will be their card.
Tell them you are so confident that if you are wrong you will give them $2, and if you are right they owe you a nickel. They will take the bet.
Put down the card you are holding without flipping it over, dig into the cards on the table, and flip over their card.
Pro Tips
You could make this more interesting and place a $100 bill on the table. The reason I use two dollars is because it is a perfect motivation to bring out 2 bills which I can use for my next trick.
Check out the trick Bill Through Bill. You can find it here – Best Mind Blowing Magic Tricks.
When you are flipping cards face up and you see their card, do not hesitate. Keep dealing smoothly and casually. Go slow so you make sure they see their card.
If their card is deep down in the deck, let’s say half way down, the dealing procedure can be kind of long. I recommend flipping over a group of cards at first, maybe 15-20, and then flipping cards one at a time.
If someone ever does this trick for you, there is a way to win the bet. When they are holding a card and tell you the next card they turn over will be their card, take the bet.
Flip all the face up cards on the table face down. They will not be expecting this and no longer know which card is yours.
The magic tricks for beginners above can all be performed as stand alone effects or can be performed together as a routine. The props are minimal and all the tricks are foolers. The big question I always ask myself is – “Is this a cool trick and will I perform it?” The answer has to be yes.