Rope Magic Trick

Rope Magic Tricks – Learn My Professional Routine

Tricks with rope are extremely visual and audiences love watching them. I combined all the best magic rope tricks into one routine that flows nicely.

I have been performing this routine for the past 25 years, it always gets a terrific response. You will learn it in its entirety, with clear step by step instructions.

sleight of hand diagram

I am right handed. If you are a lefty switch hands.

YouTube video

The Rope and Scissors

I order rope from a site called Baronian Trading Company. Dany Baronian, the owner, is a pleasure to deal with. I use the BTC2 – 10mm with core. This rope is perfect. 

I buy the perfect scissors from the Baronian Trading Company as well – High Leverage Shears.

Since the blade on the scissors is under 4″, you can bring them on a plane, which is important if you are traveling for gigs.

Rope Preparation

Cut an 8’ piece of rope (measure 4’ and fold in half). Remove the core. When you are ready to perform trim the ends so they aren’t frayed.

Cut and Instant Restore

Scissors Center Switch

You cut the rope into two pieces, supposedly in the center.

“A trick with a piece of rope. If I cut the rope exactly in the center…”

cut and restored rope trick scissors center switch

Hold the rope with your left thumb and 1st finger, scissors open in your palm up right hand. Run the scissors along the rope about 3/4 down. Turn your right hand palm down and move to your left hand.

With your left 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers, grasp the rope hanging between the blades and close it into your left hand. Pivot the blade down off the rope it’s on, onto the rope you’re holding with your left thumb and 1st finger, a few inches below where you are holding it, in position to cut a small piece off the end.

cut and restored rope trick

Move the scissors and rope up and cut the extra piece. Let the ends fall. Adjust your left hand grip so the loops are hidden inside your left hand with your left thumb behind, 1st and 2nd in front. Put the scissors in your right front pocket.

“…I get two equal pieces.”

Instant Restore

Realize the ropes clearly aren’t the same size, and look up at the audience.

“Let me start from the beginning, with one piece of rope.”

rope magic trick instant restore

Grasp the shorter end on your palm up right hand with the end inside your hand, the rope held in place with your right pinky. Grip the end of the extra piece between your right thumb and 1st finger. Like a snake bite toss the ropes downward.

Let go with your left hand and hold the ropes with your right hand. Pick up the rope with your palm up left hand and run it to the end of the rope. Hold the rope in display position.

Pro Tip

Your magic should be motivated, as much as possible. Since the ropes are not equal, it makes sense for you restore the rope and start over. It is as if you messed up, and fixed your mistake.

Ends Across One at a Time

Simple Ends Switch

“A trick with the ends.”

rope trick ends across one at a time

Readjust your left hand grip. Clip the left end of the rope between your left 1st and 2nd fingers, a few inches from the end. Place the middle of the extra piece on the side of your left 1st finger and clamp it in place with your left thumb.

Move your right hand forward folding the extra piece in half. Hold the extra piece at the fold with your curled left 1st finger and thumb.

rope trick ends switch display

Move your right hand down and grasp the end of the rope (the one hanging) against your right palm with your right 2nd finger. Let go of the end of the extra piece with your right thumb & 1st and slide the rope to the right, through your left 1st and 2nd fingers.

Move the loop into your left hand and adjust everything so it looks clean. Make a loop with your right thumb and bring the rope into your right hand.

Ends Across

“From here to here, from here all the way to here.”

Gesture with each side. Focus your attention on the ends. Massage one of the ends slowly into your fist. Move your eyes down the rope to the other side. Push up with your right thumb releasing the first end.

Bring your attention back to the other side. Massage the 2nd end into your left fist (leave the tip right at the opening so you can easily access it in a second). Make a tossing motion with your left fist toward your right hand. Move your right hand up.

rope magic routing ends across

Hold one end of the rope with your right thumb and 1st, open your right hand, and let the other end fall. With the extra piece concealed, let go of the rope with your left hand and casually drop your left hand to your side (don’t worry, nobody knows you have a piece of rope in your left hand).


With your right thumb slide the end of the rope down into your right hand and hold the rope in place with your right pinky.

rope trick ends across cleanup

Keep the back of your hands toward your audience and bring your hands together so they kiss for a split second. Grasp the end of the extra piece at the opening of your left hand with your right thumb and 1st finger.

Rotate your right hand palm up bringing out the end. In a continuing motion pick up the rope with your palm up left hand and run it to the end of the rope. Hold the rope in display position.

Ends Off And On

Tying Ends Switch

“The ends around the ends.”

This should look like you are tying a simple knot.

tying ends rope switch

The ends are hanging between your thumbs and 1st fingers. Place the middle of the right end (extra piece) onto the left end, about 4 inches from the end.

Hold the rope in place by pressing it with your left thumb against your left 1st finger. With your left 1st finger flip the left hand end toward you and around the extra piece of rope.

tying ends rope trick switch

Clamp this end against your right palm with your right 2nd finger. Let go of the end of the extra piece you are holding with your right thumb and 1st finger.

Keep the extra piece in place with your left thumb, 1st, and 2nd, and slide it a few inches to the left along the rope. Wrap the rope in your right hand forward around the extra piece.

rope magic trick display position

With your left thumb kick the right end of the extra piece up behind the rope and forward around it. Let go of the main rope with your left hand and grip it in your right hand. Stretch the ends of the extra piece forward between your left thumb, 1st, and 2nd. Let go with your left hand, and hold the rope in display position.

Ends Off

“Please hold on to the ends.”

With your left thumb and 1st finger grip the extra piece at the knot and slowly remove it. Keep the extra piece folded in half. Hand it to your spectator, place it in your breast pocket, or place it under your right armpit. Keep the ends hidden in your right hand and let go of the loop.

rope trick removing the ends

Continuous Loop

Show the rope to be a continuous loop by running it through your left hand a few times, the whole time keeping the ends hidden in your right hand.

Ends On

“To put the ends back on, just a touch.”

rope magic putting the ends back on

Let go of the rope with your left hand. Take back the folded extra piece. Grip it from below at the fold with your left thumb and 1st finger, ends pointing up and hanging left and right. Hold this piece in front of the left side of the rope slightly below your right hand.

Close your left 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers around the rope. Move your right hand down and grasp the end of the right side of the extra piece against your right palm with your right 2nd finger.

Let go of the end of the rope with your thumb and 1st fingers of both hands and separate your hands in display position.

Ends Across Same Time

Simple Ends Switch (same as above)

“Watch the ends…”

rope trick ends across one at a time

Readjust your left hand grip. Clip the left end of the rope between your left 1st and 2nd fingers, a few inches from the end. Place the middle of the extra piece on the side of your left 1st finger and clamp it in place with your left thumb.

Move your right hand forward folding the extra piece in half. Hold the extra piece at the fold with your curled left 1st finger and thumb.

rope trick ends switch

Move your right hand down and grasp the end of the rope (the one hanging) against your right palm with your right 2nd finger. Let go of the end of the extra piece with your right thumb & 1st and slide the rope to the right, through your left 1st and 2nd fingers.

Move the loop into your left hand and adjust everything so it looks clean.

Ends Off

I take them from this side…

Gesture with the ends. Drop the rope out of your left hand so you are only holding the ends. Hold your right fist palm down.

ends off rope trick

Ends Back On

“…and toss them to this side.”

Bring the extra piece below your right hand. Let go of the left end in your right hand and toss the right side of the extra piece up into your right hand. Catch the extra piece with your right thumb, 1st, and 2nd.

Catch the end you let go of with your palm up left hand. Separate your hands and display.

Pro Tip

Sometimes I hold the rope vertically, with the ends on the bottom. I take the ends off at the bottom, and then bring them to the top to put them back on. It is the same moves.

Clean Cut and Restore

Ends in the Middle

“And the big finish for this part.”

ends switch rope trick

Let go of the rope with your left hand. Run the rope over the top of your left fingers. Estimate about the center and fold the rope at that spot. Move the fold into your left hand.

Lay the ends of the extra piece into your left hand, creating a loop. Close your left hand so the seams are covered.

ends switching rope magic

In a continuing motion curl your right thumb, 1st, and 2nd fingers around the ropes beneath your left hand and run your right hand down as if you are adjusting them. Go all the way down until the end falls out of your right hand.

Clean Cut

rope trick ends restored

“Just a quick cut…”

Grab your scissors. Cut the middle, cut off half of the ends, and then do a fake cut and release the remaining pieces. Place the scissors in your pocket. 

Rope is Restored

“…and I am right back where I started.”

rope is restored magic trick

Fold up one of the ropes. Conceal an extra bite of rope in your left hand. Hold the rope between your left thumb and 1st finger, open your hand palm down and let the fold fall, it looks like the rope visually restored itself.

Spectator Cut and Restored Rope

“Can I please get a volunteer, someone who is comfortable cutting the rope.”

Direct your spectator to stand on your right side. Have them check the rope.

Middle Switch

“This is approximately the middle.”

Even up the ends and hold them in your left thumb crotch. Let the rope hang down. Place your left 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers between the ropes.

Put your right hand toward you through the rope. Run it to the middle, so the rope is around the side of your right 1st finger. Clamp down on the rope with your thumb on your right 4th finger (pinky).

Middle switch rope trick

Move your hands toward each other, turn your right hand palm down, and rotate your right palm toward you. Let the rope fall off your right fingers and maintain your grip with your right thumb and 4th finger. Place the loop around your left 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers with the spot you are holding at the top.

middle switch rope magic trick

Close your left 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers locking the rope against your palm.

rope magic middle switch

Reach through and grab the rope that is running between your left 1st and 2nd fingers. Pull this rope toward you and up into a loop. Rest the loop on your left 1st finger and cover the seam with your left thumb. Adjust the ends to the left and the loop to the right, and stretch the bottom loops for a clean display.

Middle Cut

“Please cut the rope right here.”

Open the top loop with your right hand and have your spectator cut the rope. Guide them to the right spot so the cut piece will be about 8.”

rope magic middle cut

Drop the right end. With your right thumb and 1st finger pull the left end of the rope down and let it fall. Adjust the ropes in your hand and hold them with your left thumb, 1st, and 2nd.

“The ropes have to be equal in size, please trim the ends.”

Notice that the ends aren’t even. Have your spectator trim the bottom end so the ropes are the same length. As they are doing this casually stroke down the rope as if you are making sure it is even and slide one rope down a little bit.

“They’re just a tiny bit off, one more quick trim please.”

Again notice the ends aren’t even, this will get a laugh. Have your spectator trim the ends. Again as they do this casually stroke down the rope as if you are making sure it is even and slide one rope down a little bit.

Instant Restore

Look at your spectator.

 “You are a terrific sport, so I’ll start from the beginning, with one piece of rope.”

rope magic trick instant restore

Grasp the shorter end on your palm up right hand with the end inside your hand, the rope held in place with your right pinky. Grip the nearer end of the extra piece between your right thumb and 1st finger. Like a snake bite toss the ropes downward.

Let go with your left hand and hold the ropes with your right hand. Pick up the rope with your palm up left hand and run it to the end of the rope. Hold the rope in display position.

Pro Tip

Tell your spectator not to go anywhere, they will think the trick is over.

3 Rope Magic Trick

At this point I go into one of my favorite routines, the Professor’s Nightmare, which is an incredible rope trick. To learn how to construct the ropes and perform the Professor’s Nightmare as a stand alone piece, check out:

The Professor’s Nightmare Rope Trick Tutorial

Cutting the Pieces

“Please give a cut right here.”

Currently, you are holding a piece of rope with an extra piece on the end. You will measure the correct spot for your spectator to cut.

professor's nightmare rope trick cutting the piecesprofessor's nightmare rope trick cutting the pieces

Slide the left end of the rope down in your left hand so the end is at the top edge of your 1st finger. Hold it there with your left thumb. Lay the right side of the rope next to it on your left fingers and run the rope up and over your left 1st finger.

Slide the rope down with your right hand until your right pinky is about 4” below the bottom of the loop.  

rope trick cutting the 3 pieces

The spot where the end is in your left hand (see red arrow pic) marks the spot to cut. Stretch the rope to the right with your right hand and have your spectator cut the rope at the marked spot.

Hold one of the ends with your left thumb and 1st finger and drop the other end. Let go with your right thumb and 1st finger. Display the ropes.

3 Ropes

“Three ropes – 1, 2, & 3.”

2 ropes to 3 ropes trick

Slide the long rope in your left hand over into your left thumb crotch. Bring your hands together for a brief second. With your left 1st and 2nd fingers clip the medium rope a few inches below your right pinky.

In one fast motion separate your hands. Let go of the medium rope with your right hand and display the ropes. Place the short piece into your left hand.

Showing the 3 Ropes

“A long piece, a short piece, and a medium piece of rope.”

Take the long rope by the end with your right thumb and 1st finger. Hold it up and display it, and then relax your right hand slightly. Display the short piece with your left thumb and 1st finger.

Transfer the short piece to your right hand so your left hand is free to display the medium size piece.

Professor's Nightmare showing the 3 ropes

Place the short piece on the long piece in an X formation with the end of the short piece running between your right 1st and 2nd fingers (see image above). Hold the short piece in place with your right thumb.

Relax your right hand slightly and display the medium rope in your left hand. This is the moment you will switch the ends.

Professor’s Nightmare Ends Switch

With your right thumb, 1st, and 2nd finger flip the end of the long piece toward you around the end of the short piece so they switch places. Hold the end of the long piece against the rope with your right 3rd and 4th finger.

Remove your right 1st finger from between the top ends and clamp them together with your right thumb and 1st finger. Cover the loops with your right thumb, 1st, and 2nd finger

Place the medium rope into your right hand, to the left of the other ropes. Conceal the seam with your right thumb. Cleanly display the ropes, front and back.

Professor's Nightmare Ends Switch

Stretching the Ropes

“Just a stretch, and they are all equal.”

Clamp the 3 ropes above the loop between your right thumb and 1st finger. Keep your right 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers loosely curled around the ropes.

With your left palm toward you, grasp the ropes below your right hand. Clip the end in your left thumb crotch and hold the other 2 ropes loosely in your left fist. Slide your left hand down the ropes, moving the clipped end, until the bottoms are even. Snap the ropes. Let go of the ends with your left hand.

Professor’s Nightmare Rope Count

“This rope is the same size as this rope, which is the same size as this rope.”

Lift the rope on the left, the medium rope, with your left thumb and 1st finger. Slide it all the way up through your right hand and let the end come out. While showing this rope place your right 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers between the hanging ropes.

Professor's Nightmare Rope Switch

Bring your left hand back to count the next rope.

Move your left hand up the same way you did when counting the 1st rope. Close your left 2nd, 3rd, and 4th fingers to conceal the loops and let the rope run up through your right lightly closed fist for the count of 2.

Bring your left hand back to count the last rope. Move the ends out from between your left 1st and 2nd fingers into your hand.

Place the last rope into your left hand to the right of the ropes and slide this rope through your right hand, like you did with the others, moving your left hand only.

Switch Hands

To cleanly transfer the ropes to your right hand, grip the ropes with your right hand in front of your left hand & slide your left hand down and off. I like to snap the ropes at the bottom.

Bring the ends up and cross them over the ends on top, and hold them in place with your right thumb.

“Just a wave, that’s the small, the medium, and the long piece of rope.”

Lift the leftmost end, the short rope, with your left thumb and 1st finger. Move it into the crotch of your left thumb.

Lift the next end, the medium rope, between your left 1st and 2nd. Hold onto one end of the long piece with your right thumb and 1st finger and let the other end fall. Display the ropes. Take your applause.

“Thank you very much for helping, please give Kelly a round of applause.”

Give your assistant the ropes and send them back to their seat.  


This rope trick is a complete routine and can be performed close up or on stage, for up to 200 people. I perform this rope magic surrounded. It is perfect anytime, even when it is loud or your audience doesn’t speak the language. 

Visual rope magic is fun to watch and always gets great reactions. There are so many incredible phases. You can perform one part of the routine or all parts of the routine.

All the moves have been well thought out and are clean and deceptive. Perform this rope magic slowly, smoothly, and confidently.

The cleanups and switches should be done on the offbeat, when your spectators are reacting to the previous part of the trick. Be casual and smooth, the moves will go unnoticed.

You have to practice. Spend time learning each phase, and slowly put the routine together. It is important to know the moves and the routine inside and out, you should not be fumbling.

Always treat your volunteers with respect. Be very gentle at the point where they cut the rope and it isn’t even. Have them trim the rope two times, that is enough. I make sure to thank them and have the audience give them a round of applause.

I have bolded the “patter” I use in this routine. As you can see it is minimal. I like my magic to speak for itself. I don’t like long stories or speeches during a trick. Neither do your spectators.

I learned much of this routine from the wonderful Daryl’s Rope Routine.

If you want to learn some hyper-visual rope magic, which is incredible, check out:

Richard Sanders - Fiber Optics Extended