Finger magic trick

Best Hand Tricks – Magic Tricks With Hands

Close up magic relies heavily on hand tricks. This means very little props if any, besides your hands. In my opinion, magic tricks of this type are the most amazing.

All of the magic tricks taught here are foolers, very learnable, and extremely practical to perform. With detailed, step by step instructions, plus clear pictures, you will be able to learn and perform these tricks like a pro.

Sleight of Hand

Mind Blowing Magic Hand

I am right handed. If you are a lefty switch hands.

Cool Hand Tricks

Stopping Your Pulse Trick

Have a volunteer take your pulse. They tap a spoon on a glass in time with the beats. First you slow your pulse, then you stop it completely, and then you start it again.

How To Do It

Place a ball of some sort in your armpit, a golf ball or rubber ball (the 8 ball in the picture is a rubber bouncy ball). The best method I have found is with a handkerchief or bandana.

Knot it up until it is hard like a ball. Put a large safety pin on it and pin it to the armpit area inside your jacket. You are always set to go.

When you are ready to perform, place the ball in your armpit, and gradually squeeze the ball as a spectator takes your pulse.

Since you are cutting off blood flow, your pulse will stop, at least from where your spectator is taking it. Btw, I don’t know how good or bad doing this is for you.

Taking Your Pulse

Ask for a volunteer who is comfortable taking your pulse. As your helper comes up, adjust the handkerchief in your armpit or slip the ball from your inside pocket down your sleeve into your armpit. Do this casually, the trick hasn’t started yet.

Have a spoon and glass for your volunteer. Ask them to place two fingers on the recess on the thumb side of your wrist in line with the base of your thumb (see image above). Guide them to the spot. When they have your pulse ask them to tap the spoon on the glass in time with your pulse so everyone can hear it.

At this point start to squeeze the ball. Gradually tighten. Your pulse will slow then stop, it’s pretty crazy! After it stops, slowly release pressure on the ball and let your pulse start again.

Pro Tip

Removing Your Finger Trick

Magician pulls off his/her finger and then puts it back on.

Removing your finger starting position

Getting Into Position

With your left hand in a loose fist, palm toward you, point your left 1st finger to the right. With your right palm toward you, grip the tip of your left 1st finger with your right thumb, 1st, and 2nd finger. In one motion, go right into the main starting position. The larger movement covers the smaller movement.

Right Hand Starting Position

Bend your thumb at the joint and extend it into your palm. Place the tips of your 1st and 2nd fingers onto the knuckle of your thumb. Extend your 3rd and 4th fingers in the air.

Left Hand Starting Position

Palm toward you, fingers together pointing right, thumb in the air. Bend your 1st finger at the knuckle as much as you can. Keep your 1st finger against your 2nd finger.

Main Starting Position

Press your right thumb and left 1st finger together, cover the seam with your right 1st and 2nd fingers, and extend your right thumb so more is seen.

Moving Your Finger

Slide your thumb along the side of your left 2nd finger about an inch. Move it back. Act as if you are putting it back on. Use a little acting here.

Removing your finger trick

Getting Out of It

Rotate your left hand palm outward and fully extend your left 1st finger. Grip your left 1st finger with your right 1st and 2nd finger above, thumb below, and gently massage it as if you just put it back on.

Pro Tips

  • Wiggle your thumb while you move it to give a nice illusion.
  • Keep your thumb against the side of your 2nd finger as you slide it.
  • Only move your thumb an inch or so.
  • Tilt your hands back a little bit.
  • Have your spectators in front of you with a tiny bit of distance.

This is an angle sensitive trick. I recommend you perform this trick for 1 or 2 people at a time, with them standing at 11 o’clock in reference to you. If the conditions don’t feel right, don’t perform this trick.

The most important part of this trick is getting in and out of it. Spend time practicing the techniques above so you can do it smoothly.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: Removing Your Thumb Trick – Step by Step Guide

Magic Tricks With Hands

Mind Control

Your spectator interlocks their hands together and extends their 1st fingers. Using your mind you cause their fingers to come together.

mind control fingers moving together

How To Do It

This is self-working. You can try it yourself. Your muscles will quickly tire and it is natural for your fingers to automatically come together. This trick is all presentation.

You can do this for one person or for a crowd of people. Instruct them to interlace their fingers, extend their 1st fingers, and keep their 1st fingers separate.

Do a little acting here. Tell your spectators to relax their mind. Mime pushing their fingers together.

Pro Tip

If your spectator is fighting you, and won’t let their fingers naturally come together, tell them to relax and not fight it. If they refuse, just move on to the next trick.

Telekinetic Straw

You balance a straw on a bottle, wave your hands over it, and the straw starts to spin.

You can use any bottle. I prefer the type with a cap that isn’t completely flat, like the one seen in the picture. Since the straw isn’t fully balanced it will move nicely, as seen in the video.

Rip off an inch or two on one end of the straw wrapper. Grip the wrapper at the rip and slide it all the way down and off the straw. This will charge the straw with static electricity.

Balance the straw on top of the cap. Spread your fingers and hover your hands above. Bring your thumb close to the charged end of the straw. Static electricity will cause the straw to move toward it.

It is pretty cool to play with. To make this trick look good, like real telekinesis, hold your fingers above and your thumb near the end of the straw.

telekinetic straw

Your thumb will attract and move the straw. Wiggle your 1st finger at the same time so it looks like you are moving the straw from above. Slowly bring your thumb close to the charged end.

When the straw moves gently move your thumb up and away. The straw will spin on the cap. When it slows down bring your thumb close to the straw again to give it more momentum.

Once you take the straw off the bottle and put it down it will lose its charge and your spectators won’t be able to do it.

Pro Tips

Be gentle when balancing the straw so it doesn’t fall. Play with it a bunch of times so you can balance it quickly and consistently.

You don’t have to squeeze too hard when removing the straw wrapper, a little charge goes a long way, don’t make a big deal about it.

If the straw falls while balancing it might lose its charge. Try picking it up, rebalancing it, and proceeding. If it did lose its charge move on to another trick. You will have to open a new straw.

Straws are very light and don’t need that much charge. If you find the straw is clinging to you like a magnet, charge it less.

telekinetic pen charging

Another way to static charge the straw is to wrap your shirt around it and rub a few times. Best time to do this is before the trick starts, when nobody is looking. It takes 2 seconds.

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Hand Magic Tricks

Visual Sharpie Routine

You produce a Sharpie at your fingertips, make it disappear, and reappear behind your elbow.

Sharpie magic production

Sharpie Production

Right Hand Position

Hold the marker against your right wrist with your right thumb, 1st, and 2nd fingers curled naturally. Relax your arm at your side and stand with the back of your hand toward the audience so the marker is hidden. Keep your right fingers together so you have no windows.

Left Hand Position

Hold your left hand palm up with your fingers curled naturally.  Rub your thumb, 1st, and 2nd together drawing attention to your hand.  

Bring your right hand up and over your left hand in a waving motion. Grip the marker in the middle between your left thumb and 1st finger. 

Immediately spread your right hand wide open and continue moving upward in a waving motion. Move your right hand out of play and back to your side after you wave over the marker. Wiggle and rotate the marker slightly in your left hand as you display it.

Sharpie Vanish

Sharpie vanish magic trick

Hold the Sharpie between your thumb, 1st and 2nd fingers of both hands in an upright display position. Press the marker between your thumb and fingers to create some tension.

In one motion bring your arms down and rotate your hands palm down. Let the left side of the marker snap off of your left thumb and pivot it back into right hand starting position with your right 2nd finger.

Relax your right hand at your side. Turn your body slightly to the left so the back of your hand is toward your audience.

Elbow Production

Sharpie production from the elbow

Lift up your left arm and look at your left elbow. Keep the back of your right hand toward your audience and move your right hand under your elbow. Pivot the Sharpie out from your hand and slowly bring it into view from behind your elbow.

Pro Tips

I love producing a Sharpie and doing this sequence before handing the Sharpie to a spectator. It is a nice visual. Sprinkling quick effects like this into your magic adds a lot to your performance and makes a big difference.

Linking Matches

Hold a match in each hand between your thumb and 1st finger. Hold your left hand still. Tap the center of the matches together showing they are solid. Move your right hand up a little bit. Come straight down melting the matches right through each other. Unlink the matches the same way.

linking matches magic trick

Secret Move

Squeeze the match between your right thumb and 1st finger. The match will stick to your 1st finger when you separate your 1st finger and thumb. This space will allow you to link and unlink the matches. Do the move as you bring your hands together. The larger movement will cover the smaller movement.


Pro Tips

Make sure to test that the match sticks to your finger right before you perform the link and unlink.

Go slowly. Let the link and unlink register. Repeat this trick only one time.

Cool Tricks to Do With Your Hands

Spoon Bending

Magician bends a spoon or fork, and magically restores it.

metal bending magic trick

How To Do It

Grip the fork with your right fingers near the fork part, your thumb at the top. Cover the top part of the fork with your left hand.

Press forward so the end of the fork snaps off your right thumb. Let the fork sink down as you bend your right fingers forward. From the front it looks like you are bending the fork.


Lift the fork, flip it over, and place it down. It will appear as if you restored it.

Pro Tip

It is best to do this seated at a table. The illusion here looks amazing, especially when you catch your spectators off guard.

How to Do Real Magic With Your Hands

The best way to do real magic with your hands is to pick a trick that you like and master it. Make sure you feel comfortable performing the trick and you can do it flawlessly. Learn your angles and know when to perform.

Simple Magic Tricks With Hands

Coin From Ear

Magician reaches behind someone’s ear and produces a quarter.

coin from ear magic trick

How To Do It

The key here is to think ahead and be prepared. Have a quarter ready in your pocket. At some point, grab it, and casually keep it hidden in your hand until you are ready to perform the trick.

Pro Tip

Don’t reach into your pocket right before producing the quarter, it is too obvious.

There are many ways to hide a coin in your hand. Most methods are unnatural and look suspicious. The finger palm is the easiest and most natural palm to use, it is my go to.

Learn all you need to know to easily master the finger palm plus learn some amazing coin tricks – Magic Tricks With Coins You Will Actually Do

Linking Paper Clips

Ttell your spectator if they can link the paperclips using only the bill, they keep the money. It seems impossible. They try and fail. When they give up, you show them how to do it.

linking paper clips magic trick

How To Do It

This is a very cool trick. To be honest, I am not exactly sure how or why it works. It just does.

Pro Tip

I have found that the best presentation is to treat this as a bar bet. A bar bet is when you challenge your spectator to do the impossible, then you show them how to do it.

Sprinkling in some bar bets or fun bits like this adds a lot to your performances.

Weird Hand Tricks

Unlocking Hands

This is a “do as I do” trick.” Give instructions and have your spectators do exactly what you do. With your hands locked together, you somehow untwist your hands. Your spectators cannot untwist their hands.

unlocking hands magic tricks

How To Do It

Have your spectators do exactly what you do:

Secret Move

When you complete step 3, unlace your fingers and gesture with your hands for a brief second. Say to someone, as if you are helping them, “bring your hands down a little bit,” and mime the action.

Secretly untwist your hands while giving instructions.

Bring your hands back together, palm to palm, so they are not twisted. Interlace your fingers and rotate your hands as far to the left or right as possible. Your spectators will not remember that you let go and will assume you are in the same hand position as they are. For the ending:

Pro Tips

Motivation in magic is extremely important. There has to be a logical reason for you to unlace your fingers. Because it is to give instructions about the trick, it seems logical and flies over your spectator’s heads.

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Here you will find some incredible hand tricks which require minimal props. These magic tricks with hands are all learnable and performable.